Breast Implants

Breast Implants
Breast Prodecure

Breast Augmentation is a great operation to increase the size of the breasts. They may have either never developed to the size you want, or have lost volume and become ‘deflated’ after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Nav Cavale likes to use his ‘signature’ submuscular split (SMS) technique, using round implants, placed half under and half over the muscle. A small (4cm approx) incision is used under the breast.

Treatment Time
Sport & Exercise
Reasons for Doing This
Reasons to Avoid

Breast implant surgery can take around 1 hour. We use a general anaesthetic and you can go home on the same day. We do not use drains.

You may need to take 10 to 14 days off work, and wear a support bra and breast band for 6 weeks, 24/7. You can shower the day after surgery.

Breast implants can last as long as 15 years. Your surgeon will advise reviewing the procedure around this time when you can decide if a replacement procedure is required.

To enhance the ize of the breasts. To improve the appearance of asymmetric breasts, tubular breasts or sagging breasts. This might need to be combined with a breast lift or even a breast reduction procedue depending on how much the breast tissue has descended.

Sports and exercise may need to be avoided for approx. 4 to 6 weeks.

If you have any doubts. Our team of experts will provide support and guidance all the way through your treatment journey; using the consultation to determine your suitability and your certainty.

What to expect on the day

REAL plastic surgery carries out the breast implant procedure using a general anaesthetic, as a day case.

The specific size and shape of the implants will be discussed during consultation, including the use of a different size in each breast. Incisions are typically made around the nipple and down to the breast crease, with some cases also requiring a cut in this crease, where it meets the chest wall (inframammary crease).

The implants are then inserted either behind the chest muscle, or between the chest muscle and breast tissue. Once the wounds have been closed, dressing will be applied.

Showering after chin implants

You can shower the day after surgery (but do not soak in a bath for 2 weeks or so). The paper tape dressings used, can get wet, and they will still stay in place nicely for a week. You dry them with clean tissue, or use a hairdrier on the cold setting, before putting your bra and breast band back on again.

Follow-up and Aftercare

We monitor your healing closely and we’ll arrange to see you 1 week and 6 weeks after the procedure. At the first appointment we’ll decide if the dressings and stitches can be removed (unless dissolvable stitches have been used). At 6 weeks your wounds should have healed significantly so you can resume many of your usual tasks. We may also want to see you in 3 months to assess the results of the surgery, as the final outcome will now start to appear.

For around 6 weeks you will be required to wear a breast band and a supportive sports bra or surgical bra to help with healing and to support the breasts as they heal.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are the risks?

    All surgery carries a degree of risk, including: infections, poor healing, bleeding and blood clots. Scarring is very likely but careful placing of incisions helps scarring to be as discreet as possible. Scarring will also fade in thickness and colour over time. The chance of your implant rupturing is very rare these days but your surgeon will discuss the possibility of developing capsular contracture which can occur some time after a breast implant procedure, advising you on the symptoms to look out for.

  • What side effects should I expect?

    Following the procedure the breasts will be sore, swollen and bruised. This will usually start to ease within a few days, taking up to 2 weeks to start feeling more comfortable. 

  • Can I still have breast screening after implants?

    Breast screening can still take place after having implants but, you must tell the person doing it that you have them so they can adjust their technique if this is necessary. The chance of an implant rupturing as a result of a mammogram is very rare. 

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