Arm Lift

Thigh Lift
Body Prodecure

Hanging skin can affect the underside of the upper arms and are a common concern for men and women as they get older, or as a result of weight gain / loss. Exercising can help to reduce fat and strengthen the muscles, but in many cases it does not work to address loose or sagging skin.

Treatment Time
Sport & Exercise
Reasons for Doing This
Reasons to Avoid

An arm lift often takes around 2.5 hours. At REAL plastic surgery we use a general anaesthetic and you may be able to go home the same day. We often combine this with Renuvion Skin Tightening.

You may need to take up to 2 weeks off work with most people having significantly recovered within 6 weeks.

In most cases 1 procedure can produce long-term results.

To improve the shape of the upper arms and reduce loose or sagging skin - a concern known as ‘bingo wings’.

You may need to avoid strenuous exercise and the gym for up to 6 or 8 weeks.

If you have any doubts. Our team of experts will provide support and guidance all the way through your treatment journey; using the consultation to determine your suitability and your certainty.

What to expect on the day

The medical term for an arm lift is brachioplasty. This procedure focuses on removing skin and fatty tissue from the underside of the arm. Incisions are made in places where scarring is less noticeable; either under the arm, in the armpit, near the elbow or a combination of these.

Liposuction may also be used to remove fatty deposits with skin excision helping to remove and tighten any excess / loose skin. After the procedure we will fit you with a compression garment that works to support the skin and tissues while they are healing and adjusting to their new positioning. These will need to be worn for around 6 weeks, day and night.

The results may take several weeks to develop, when all side effects have disappeared. When the arms are looking more shapely and toned it can help to improve self-confidence, and patients often feel more confident when wearing short sleeved or sleeveless clothes.

Showering after an arm lift

You can shower the day after surgery (but do not soak in a bath for 2 weeks or so). The paper tape dressings used, can get wet, and they will still stay in place nicely for a week. You dry them with clean tissue, or use a hairdrier on the cold setting, before putting your garment back on again.

Follow up and aftercare

We are with you throughout your entire treatment journey and our excellent care extends far beyond the actual procedure. We ensure you receive suitable aftercare advice and monitor your recovery very closely at follow-up appointments made 1 week, 3 weeks and 3 months after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Am I suitable for this procedure?

    The area on the underside of the arms can become saggy for a variety of reasons, including: weight gain, weight loss and ageing. Getting rid of ‘bingo wings’ can not only create a more desirable appearance, it can also make clothing more comfortable and improve a person’s self-confidence. 

  • Are there any side effects?

    Following the surgery the arms will feel sore, and they will be swollen and bruised. This may take a few weeks to fully settle, when moving the arms will also become more comfortable. Scarring will occur but this will be kept as discreet as possible, and will fade in tone over time.

  • Are the results permanent?

    An arm lift provides a long term solution to reducing sagging skin under the arms. The results can be maintained through the upkeep of a healthy and active lifestyle, minimising the chance of significant weight gain. The ageing process will continue however, which means the skin will weaken and wrinkle over time, but this may not be seen for some time.    

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